COVID Vaccine Tracker 💊
A thorough interactive data visualization built by FirstPerson, showcasing a dataset from the Milken Institute's FasterCures program. The visualization story also educates about vaccines and the process. I found it impressive that 119 vaccines are in development and 19 20 (increased since the draft of this paragraph) are in clinical testing.
- Data Visualization:
- Research: FasterCures | Milken Institute
Goodwill Hunting: A Graphical Analysis of Women's Tops Sold on Goodwill's Website 👚
A light-hearted analysis of Goodwill put together by designer Jess Peter. It's also a great example of how to tell a story with data. Jess also includes a Jupyter notebook of the analysis so you can peer review.
- Report: Goodwill Hunting
- Jupyter Notebook: GitHub
Tutorial: Build a Grade Book with Pandas 📕
I haven't gone through the entire tutorial, but it looks like a great way to learn how to use Python and the Pandas library to process CSVs of grades into scores and plotting summary statistics. I can see it easily being adapted for other purposes like polls and invoicing.
COVID-19 Dashboards
Heavier sigh. Wear a mask. Wash your hands. Stay safe out there!
- (Rt = Rate of Transmission)
- Johns Hopkins ArcGIS Dashboard
- COVID-19 Data for Locations of People You Love (i.e., Data by US County)
If you have any other dashboards to share, please send them my way.