Count Love: Protest Dataset and Statistics

Count Love is a team of two who have been scraping and compiling protest data since January 2017. They have logged almost 20,000 protests across the United States with over 12.6 million attendees.

Count Love

StatQuest!!!!: An epic journey through statistics and machine learning

I probably shouldn’t admit this as an aspiring data scientist, but math is hard. While I received decent grades, I brain-dumped my entire undergrad Statistics and Probability course immediately after taking the final exam. The great teachings of Josh Starmer and his dry humor on this YouTube channel are amazing and have taught me more in 1 hour than I learned in a week of undergrad.


Data Science at the Command Line

This free book by Jeroen Janssens and published by O’Reilly is an excellent tutorial for learning bash and the command line to better your data science skills and productivity. I’ve been setting aside a chapter a week.

Data Science at the Command Line

Dexplot: Yet another Dataframe and Matlibplot plotting library

This plotting library is relatively similar to but not as flashy as the Seaborn library.

Dexplot (Github)

COVID-19 News & Dashboards

Despite how people are acting (wash your hands and wear a mask for your fellow humans!), the COVID-19 pandemic is not over. I’m going to keep these dashboards readily available so we can track things. Stay safe out there!

If you have any other dashboards to share, please send them my way.